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If there isn’t a Snap-on Tools franchisee in your area, our team will be able to assist:

Snap-on Tools UK Customer Service
Tel: (01536) 413990
Monday - Friday 08:00 - 17:30
Or e-mail kettcustserv@snapon.com

Diagnostics Product Support
Tel: (01553) 697277
Monday - Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Or e-mail Diagnostics.uk.productsupport@snapon.com

Tools Repairs / service centre
Tel: (01536) 413800 (option 1 & option 1)
Monday – Friday 09:00 – 17:00
Or e-mail esc@snapon.com

For Purchases
Visit https://shop.snapon.com

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a Franchisee at Snap‑on

Snap-on rewards people who make a positive difference.